What's in YOUR bag?

Public Service Announcement:
 I cleaned out my bag before I posted this because I felt
 like Mary Poppins; it was an endless bag of possibilities.
I mean, what does YOUR bag look like right now?

Current bag
This is the bag that I am currently carrying, I purchased it from TJ MAXX last fall. I wasn't able to use it too much when I bought it because the color was a bit out of season but I am totally embracing the use of it now! Also when I leave the house for the day I grab a water & a snack to have just in case I won't be home for a while and its great to have handy. Especially with the warm weather coming, you want to stay hydrated-- its important for healthy skin! ;) 

Inside of Purse 
This is what the inside of my purse looks like, post clean-out obviously! I try and keep everything stuffed away so I don't have pens writing in my purse or a lotion explosion all over. And like I said above I keep a water in my bag and it fits perfectly in this purse, although it does weigh it down. Bummer. 

Outside of my makeup pouch I keep a few things, these are my most commonly reached for products.
Firstly I have Advil, lotion & Nestea water flavoring. Also, if you have never tried the Nestea flavoring its delicious & I can drink 3 waters in a day if I use this stuff. Its worth a little bit extra added sugar! The "Sweet" lotion is from BBW (obviously) and it was a free sample when first released and it smells scrumptious! The hair clip, gum & chap stick is pretty self explanatory. My car keys and my key-chain courtosey of Kay Dee's Bag Boutique- I LOVE this key-chain its usually the first thing I find in my bag and its easy just to run into a store with just my keys and my wallet. These retail for about $6 and I guarantee its the BEST $6 you will ever spend! My wallet is from Target and I love how perfectly this matches my purse. Thank you #Target for making awesome products for reasonable prices!!

My travel bag is filled with miscellaneous goodies I have Dove deodorant, 
Nivea lip butter, Maybelline Baby Lips & BBW pocket-bac. 

 I also carry some pens, more lippes, contact solution & extra contact case. 

I try and stay organized, but with always being on the go its really tough to keep everything where it belongs. What is your best secret on how to stay organized with a busy lifestyle? This clean purse won't even last me a week before its torn apart or filled with receipts.

What is your most reached for product in your purse?
Mine is definitely my Kay Dee's Bag Boutique key chain/keys, 
phone & chapstick. 

And like that, I am out the door to start the day with my purse in tow! 

I am blogging on the go today at my sisters house for this rainy Memorial Day. I wanted to take a minute to recognize those who are brave enough to  fight for our freedom and those who lost their lives fighting for all of us. God bless all of you and your families on this day and everyday.

“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. 
And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” 
-John F. Kennedy


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