Current Skin Care Routine

I am going to start off this blog with a bit of a disclaimer- I am no expert on skincare. I do however get a lot of comments on my skin and I do try and keep a pretty constant routine to keep my skin healthy and hydrated. Depending on the time of the year my skin can be oily or dry and I do need to switch up my products at that time but for now I will share with all of you my current routine and my favorite products.

Each night when I get home and I am retiring for the day I take off my makeup and contacts out asap, It’s not good to leave your makeup on all day long and honestly I feel so much better and refreshed after I wipe down my face and moisturize. So first I will use a makeup wipe to wipe off the majority of the makeup on my face, currently I am using the Target brand Up&Up brand because unfortunately Target doesn’t sell my favorites (Clean and Clear night time relaxing) so these will do for now! They work well and I will continue to repurchase them because they are cheap and they don’t irritate my skin. Also when I take my mascara off with these wipes, it doesn't pull on my eyelashes which I love!

Once I wipe down my face with a wipe I will go in with my favorite toner, it is the Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner; it’s not shown above because I just ran out and HAVE to get another bottle! I LOVE this stuff it really gets into my pores and my face feels like a babies bottom as soon as I’m finished. I will apply a small amount to a cotton round and just lightly rub my face in circular motions getting off any excess makeup that the wipes may have missed which usually isn't much but I do think that this product is a Holy Grail item for me. I never used to use a toner until about a few months ago and I think that it has made a huge difference in the texture of my skin and the appearance of my pores. If you don’t use a toner I cannot suggest this one enough! Also, it doesn't have such a harsh scent like most toners do!

After my face has air dried a bit from the toner I use my Simple Protecting Skin Moisturizer in SPF 15. I apply this to my entire face and a little bit on my neck as well, and I hate to admit I have also used it on my arms! This stuff is so light but so moisturizing I DON’T GET IT! It almost feels like its water based because a little bit goes such a long way, yet my skin feels so moisturized and it glides on like butter. I also apply this product each morning when I get up before I apply my foundation just so that my foundation will glide on a little better and keep any dry patches from showing through. I also love this product because it is an SPF15- It is still a little early in the season so I haven’t switched up moisturizers for a higher SPF (which I do in the summer) so I am kinda bummed that in a few weeks I will need to find a new favorite so I can protect my skin a little better from those pesky UV rays. Stay tuned to see which one I chose! Or let me know which one is YOUR favorite!

This is awful for me to admit, BUT I usually only wash my face in the shower…. I know! SO BAD!! That is something I really need to work on- I do wash my face some nights only if I am…
1.       Out of makeup wipes
2.       Have a full face of makeup on
3.       Trying to unwind after a long day
4.       Not feeling lazy. (:
But I do have a favorite face wash! I have tried a BUNCH of different washes and if you want something more expensive than a drug store face wash I HIGHLY recommend ANY face scrub from Lush Cosmetics, I currently don’t have any because they have such a short life because they need to be refrigerated but these masks are amazing they are all organic and made right at the store. They do have a store in Providence Place Mall if you are interested- All of their products (shampoo, bath bombs, lip scrub etc…) they are all amazing, that is If you want to spend $15 on a small bottle of shampoo…. It’s a splurge product for me every once in a while. It will last you a while however!

… back to the cheaper alternative, I am currently loooooving the Clean and Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser. THIS STUFF WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Everything that you want in a face wash is in this bottle, and it smells ahhh-mazing! While I am showering I will apply a small amount into the palm of my hand and apply it directly to my face and neck and in circular motions it will lather into this perfect face wash, getting off any dirt or oil. Not only does this product clean so well it also has this amazing smell, I honestly can’t even describe it, you just need to buy this stuff and try it for yourself. Believe it or not, but I don’t think I will ever buy any other drug store face wash except for this one.

                So when my skin is acting up, and it is really super dry I have been using these last few products to solve that issue before it gets way out of hand. This past winter I broke out with eczema on my eyelids, behind my ears, on my arms it was just bizarre I had never had it before but I am trying to be pro-active and prevent it from happening again!  When I do feel like I have especially dry patches I will still apply my Simple face moisturizer, but on top of that I will layer this Eucerin for Eczema onto the patch of dry skin, and yes I will apply this to my face. Eucerin did recently come out with this same moisturizer for the face- but it isn't as thick and just didn't do the trick for me. So I use the body lotion to spot treat my spots. This is a thick ointment so it will stay put and doesn't leave your face feeling oily which is surprising! If I apply this at bedtime, when I wake up the next morning my skin feels amazing and super soft!

                These last 2 products are an everyday, anytime of the day products for me. First is the basic Vaseline Daily Moistruzing Lotion everyone needs a basic lotion with no scent just for everyday use, I like this one it’s gentle and it doesn't irritate my skin, it’s just an everyday lotion… pretty straight forward. We've all got our favorites right? Lastly, is my Aquaphor ultra healing ointment and I bet you would have never guessed that I use this for my extremely chapped lips.  SURPRISE!!! And yes it is amazing or I obviously wouldn't be telling all of you about it- Before bed after I moisturize my face I apply this to my lips and when I wake up they are so soft especially because I sleep with my ceiling fan on it tends to try out my lips so I use this to combat any of that from happening. This ointment is completely clear and has the consistency of Vaseline but I think that this works better for me because instead of Vaseline this comes in a tube so you can squeeze out and apply as much product as you want instead of sticking your fingers into that little tiny jar. I also carry this in my purse and I will tell you that I have received some weird looks for applying this to my lips but let me tell you, it will change your life.

Like I said, I am no expert these are just my current skin care favorites and they work for MY skin… We all have different skin types but if your skin is pretty easy going like mine, then these should work for you! 

Like my nephew says,
 “Try it, Try it, you just might like it!”


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