who are you?

This is me.

I am putting my guard down and letting you all in. 

I hate to admit that I have been feeling self-conscience lately. It isn't like me to feel this way; I usually don’t care how other people view me. Recently I have been stressing about a lot of things and I think that is what has led me into this tunnel and It is harder than what I thought to find the light at the end.  

I have decided that this month I am going to challenge myself. Many people aren't aware that I am extremely self-conscience of my skin, I have always had an uneven skin tone- and with the summer here it is even worse. My cheeks are constantly red and get worse with the heat, this resulting with me wearing makeup every single day.  When I think about it, I think it sounds ridiculous, so why do I do it? This is going to be MY challenge. I am challenging myself to step out, and be who I am and to be proud of who I am as a person. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I am a beautiful person and I shouldn't allow anyone to judge me for my looks- and neither should any of you. For the remainder of the month I am going to go makeup-less three times a week. Now I know that this sounds like only a few days, but for someone who wears makeup everyday this is a challenge, a challenge that I am willing to make.

I know that at first this challenge is going to make me feel more self-conscience BUT throughout the month I think that I will begin to feel more comfortable in my skin. We are all beautiful, male/female, white/black, straight/bisexual; we all have something that we love about ourselves. Me? I love my heart.  I am a very loving, compassionate, friendly and hardworking person and that comes from how I was brought up and how I continue to be raised. What do you love about yourself, think about it… sometimes it isn't physical; maybe it’s your religion, knowledge or maybe even your sense of humor. We ALL are beautiful people and even if you don’t see it in yourself, somebody does…

So for the rest of this month, I challenge all of you to make 
yourself the best YOU possible.
 Don’t be ashamed of who you are, embrace your flaws and let your guard down.  

Twitter: @cadaigle15
Instagram: @caadaigle


  1. Thanks Danielle!! So sweet of you! ❤️ Are you going to "challenge yourself"?

  2. I'm so proud of you Carrie. I don't think I could go without make up outside of the house. I support you %100.

  3. This made me cry. I am quite sure you got your kind heart and work ethic from your mom. I am 41 years old and I still feel self-conscious. I wish I didn't.


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