Let me reintroduce myself...

You all probably thought I was gone, some of you were probably happy about it; but I am back. Back and ready to do this thing! 

I needed to take some time to myself to work on "emptying my bank", literally and figuratively. I love blogging, and sharing my life with all of you; but I can't pass up moments with friends and family to sit on the couch and blog. Life passes by so quickly and I have been racking up the memories lately and I can't wait to share them with all of you.

Last weekend my beautiful best friend, Jen, and her future hubby, Alex got engaged. These two share such an incredible relationship and I can't imagine Jen with anyone else. After dating for many, many years it was about time that Alex popped the question. It is funny because after being with someone for so long, and you know that you both already want to spend the rest of your life together, popping that "oh so important" question can be the most nerve wracking moment in your life. I can't wait to start planning and for all the exciting times coming your way this year, you deserve all the love in the world and with Alex by your side I know you will always have it. I love you guys!  

One more huge congratulations that has to be known. On July 16th my best friend and sister married the man of her dreams. Danielle and Alex tied the knot in Plymouth at Pine Hills Golf Club and it was a night filled with love, happiness and laughter. I have been to my fair share of weddings (I am the next 27 dresses) but this wedding was something so magical. You could feel the love in the room and the bond that was being made between both of the families; everyone coming together to support and validate the love they share. I knew that Alex and Danielle would get married from the beginning; the love that they share is so simple. Its natural, and easy... its truly meant to be. I was so honored to be apart of their day and I can't wait to see the future they share together. I guess I have to share my best friend now, at least I know it is with the best guy possible.  I love you both so much!
PS: isn't she the most gorgeous bride you have ever seen?

Lets get into why you all are really here, new favorites! Since we have chatted last I have been playing with some new products for the summer and I am so impressed! The drug store has recently dropped a bunch of new products and I have been trying to get my hands on some goodies for you guys! Stay tuned to see a hit or misses blog coming soon!

This is Jergens Instant Sun Mousse in Dark. I have been using this in place of my Sally Hansen Airbrush legs lately and have been loving it! This mousse soaks right into your skin so quickly leaving a light tint, over the course of 8 hours this product with develop into a gorgeous glow. It absorbs into your skin and keeps the glow for days or until you shower and exfoliate. I can apply this in generous amounts and then I will jump in the shower and the top layer will rinse off; kinda like an actual spray tan. When you get out of the shower just pat your skin dry and the glow will remain but any of the excess or cakey areas will rinse off. Again, just make it a quick rinse no soap, just let the water run over you and the extra layer will rinse off on its own! Love this stuff and it doesn't leave any gross self tanner smell, but I will say it is kinda sticky while its drying... Gotta take the pros with the cons right? 

This Drybar Detox Dry Shampoo is awesome. For Christmas this year my cousin, Katie, purchased me the Dry Shampoo box from Sephora. This box contained I believe 6 trial size cans of their most popular dry shampoos giving you the chance to try them all. I have gone through most of them by now but this one was my favorite and a winner for sure. I have since purchased this in a full size can and use it pretty relgiously. My hair is very flat, and during the summer I feel like my scalp is so oily, thank god for this. I will shake shake shake this can and then spray it directly into my roots. This product absorbs any oil on the scalp leaving your hair looking fresh and ready to go! I run my fingers through the roots trying to give it a little lift and it will boost my volume just a touch, which is just how I prefer it. Despite the price tag on this item, I would say its a must have for sure!

This is my first ever NARS purchase and now it is definitely not my last. After reading blog after blog about this blush I had to get my hands on it. This is the NARS blush in orgasm, and if you have been following me you know I am not a blush fan. I have actually steered myself away from blush because of the discoloration on my face and I thought it would only make it appear worse. I have been using this almost everyday since purchasing. The picture may make it seem so "in your face" peachy pink but I promise you that it is the most gorgeous shade. I will LIGHTLY dust this on my cheek bones right about where I will contour and then top it off with an even thinner layer of Champagne Pop highlight and its stunning. It just gives me just a healthy glow for the summer time and I am obsessed with it. It blends so beautifully into the skin, looks natural, good pigmentation, long lasting... what more could you want?

Loreal strikes again. After the release of their Infallible Pro-Matte foundation during the fall the company was smart enough to release a Pro-Glow formula for the summer. I love this whole line including the setting spray which I use all the time. I apply this to my skin with a damp beauty blender and it blends flawlessly with medium coverage and lightweight feel. I still set my face with a powder in my T-zone because I always get shiny in the same spots and even with the powder my face has a subtle glow. I love this product and I will be sad when I have to switch back over to matte foundations come the fall. 

Just a little more of an update for all of you; followed by words of wisdom because would this really be a Carrie blog if I didn't? 

This might get a little emotional and I am apologizing in advance, but this was a huge accomplishment for me. A year ago I was going through a tough time in life, I was dealing with heartbreak and trying to find my way through it, alone. I don't open up to anyone; I am first to give anyone advice but the last to ask for help from anyone. I was trying to cover up my pain by eating... and I lost myself. 

And on February 1st 2016, I was done with "just getting by." I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to bring myself back to full vibrancy; I wanted to sparkle again. 

Everyone constantly comments and asks how I stayed focused and my motivation was Danielle's wedding. I wanted to feel beautiful, I wanted to be confident in my own skin and not feel like everyone was staring at me; feeling bad for me. And I can say with all the confidence in my heart that I truly felt beautiful. It isn't because I was so "thin", it was because I had finally brought myself back. I was so proud of where I came from, I felt like I had conquered that pain and showed myself there is nothing I can't do. 

You are the only person stopping yourself from accomplishing a goal. 

Ask anyone, I had never stepped a foot into a gym before February; and I still don't know how 85% of the machines work, but I do it because I NEED to. It hasn't just helped me become more healthy physically but mentally as well. After a long day at work I crave a workout now. It is ME time, time for me to regroup and reflect on the day, time to set goals and watch my body accomplish them. I can promise you, if you don't think you can workout, I am proof. 

I worked so hard, and without having to give-up my favorite things I met my goal. What was my goal? To feel good. I didn't need a number on a scale. I still don't know how much weight I have lost, but I don't care. I set out on this journey to gain my confidence back, to show the pain that I was the boss; I am in control of my life and how my heart feels. I wanted to be evidence that you truly can achieve any goal that you set out to accomplish. I am glowing again and I earned that. 

This is what I told myself, this is what kept me strong.

"You're worthy. Stop diluting yourself to fit the standards of anyone who is incapable to see how strong you are. Don't ever give anybody the strength to define or alter you. Your opinion about yourself is the only one that matters. So fall in love with yourself, every single day."


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