"Cleaning" up.

I'd consider my life to be pretty busy. I work basically everyday & on my day off I cram everything I need to get done into one day. By the time the day is done I am exhausted from running around; finding motivation is hard. Now, tomorrow is my day off and in order to get to the gym in the morning before watching my niece I have to blog tonight- not that I HAVE too; but because I want too. I want to go to the gym and I want to blog. I now feel like I have 3 jobs- they all require my attention and dedication. I would be lying if I said it was easy. Getting up off the couch to head to the gym isn't easy for anyone; I admire anyone who wakes up ready to hit the gym- I'll get there. I have been loving the gym, once I am there... Its the initial step, the "suiting" up for the gym that is currently a struggle. What has been helpful for me you ask...

1. Cute gym clothes. I know I am ridiculous, but look good feel good right? 

2. Solid playlists. Load up all of your favorite feel good music and blast it on the way to the gym and while working out. I honestly don't think I know a better feeling than to jam out to your favorite song.

3. LEMONS! In order to keep my water intake for the day up I put lemons in my water and It makes such a huge difference! I can drink a ton more water in a day with just adding 2 lemons slices and just refilling the water but not replacing the lemons. My skin is so much more hydrated from my increased water intake and it keeps me fuller, longer. 

4. GOALS.  I have set very realistic goals. I don't want to weigh 75lbs; I don't even know how much I WANT to weigh. I just want to feel good and that is my only goal. I already feel like I have more energy and going to the gym and working out for longer periods of time is getting easier. I honestly remember walking through the store with my sister a few months ago saying,"who in their right mind enjoys working out?" The answer, is me. That feeling post workout leaves me on such a high, I feel so good about myself and I don't need to be the thinnest girl; my goal is to be the happiest HEALTHY girl. I will get there. I will do it. Stay tuned guys; this is not the end of my health kick update! 

SO, while we are "cleaning" up our diet why don't we do some early spring cleaning and clean out our beauty products. Did you know that makeup expires just like food does? Over time our makeup accumulates germs and bacterial from our hands, brushes and even just the air around them. Powder products have a longer shelf life, but we should all be extra cautious of our liquid products. When we use our products past their expiration dates it can cause infections and breakouts; 
ain't nobody got time for that!  

Liquid Foundation- This has an average shelf life of about six months to a year. If you notice that the foundation is starting to separate and you can see oil in the foundation, I would probably not use it.

Cream Products- Cream foundations, shadows, blushes, eyeshadows etc... will last you about a year before you should toss them.  

Bronzers/Blushes- Because these are obviously dry products they can stay safe for up to 18 months when sealed tightly. After 18 months you will notice they won't keep their true color. 

Liners/Pencils- Products that need to be sharpened for each use have a longer life since you are always reviling a new layer- if it is a twist up product they are safe for a year. 

Lipstick- Good news if you splurged on your favorite lippie- your lipstick will stay fresh for about a year! If you notice a weird scent or discoloration toss it! HINT- your lipstick will stay fresh longer if kept in the fridge. 

Liquid Liner- Since this is coming in direct contact with your eye, and sometimes your double dipping back into the bottle or the pot you shouldn't use these for more than 6 months. Any longer than that you are asking for an infection. 

Mascara- Now it shouldn't surprise you that the shortest shelf life is mascara. It is a mixing pot for bacteria to grow and it can multiply quickly. We all know that stinky mascara smell once it starts to go bad.. usually after 3 months. After that, chuck it! I have an awful habit of buying 5 new mascaras, opening them all to try them and forgetting I have them. They all expire before I can decide if I like them... I am a makeup hoarder. THIS is the reason for the spring cleaning! 

Nail-polish- After about 18 months your nail polish will start to get clumpy and thick, this is a sign to toss it. If you notice that your polish is starting to separate this doesn't mean its bad, just give it a good shake! 

Lipgloss- If you notice that your favorite lipgloss is starting to get extra sticky, this is a sign that its sadly time to part ways. After about 1 year your lipgloss will expire. 

Tips to keep your makeup CLEAN:

- Keep your brushes clean. This is a no brainer, try and wash your brushes twice a month. I clean mine with baby shampoo and water. Just apply the soap into the palm of your hand and swirl them around until the water runs clear. Leave them flat to try on a towel. VIOLA!
- Makeup should always be stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.
-NEVER EVER EVER store makeup in the bathroom! The humidity from the shower will allow any bacteria on the products to thrive and multiply rapidly. 
- If your using your fingers to apply products make sure your hands are clean before touching your skin and cosmetics. 

So now that we have cleaned up your life, I am taking volunteers for someone to clean out my closet.That is going to be a whole days adventure and I don't think I am ready to take it on. I have boxes that I never unpacked from the move and shoes I have never even worn still in boxes. I am mastering my time management now, if I could only master my closet organization skills. Am I the only one who struggles with this? How do you stay organized while switching from winter to summer wardrobe? SOS! HELP ME! 

Just a quick shout out to my girl who is the Elsa to my Ana. Last night we attended the Carrie Underwood concert in Boston and it was truly be something I'll never forget. It was a night filled with so many laughs, memories and singing; obviously! I am so proud of all her accomplishments and although its tough to talk everyday while she is at school; we always make time for each other. That is what it is always about, you make time for things that are important in life; NO ONE is to busy for people they love. Thank you for being my tour guide, keeping me calm when we were stuck & helping me channel my inner Carrie.
 Get it... get it.. 

I laugh at myself far too often, and I love it. 
Stay happy; don't take life too seriously. That's boring.


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