Lashes 101

It is about time that I can post this blog. I had been dragging my feet for months before finally making the plunge into the lash extension world, I am now addicted. 

I was so hesitant because I was waiting for the perfect recommendation from someone I trusted. (Thanks Madison!) These are my lashes that we are talking about and if you know me, you know I am a mascara addict. My eyes are so small that even if I don't wear a full face of makeup I will apply a coat of mascara just to make myself not look like a walking zombie. I needed to make sure that once I decided to remove these falsies that I still had my natural long lashes underneath. And of course, I haven't removed these yet but I can see my natural lashes underneath AND when a falsie does fall out I can see its just the extension and not the lash it was attached too. Thank god!

I made the appointment with my best friend before her wedding and since then have had them filled once. We went to Noir Salon in Cranston, RI and I highly recommend them! The salon is so beautiful and they offer a variety of services from lashes to spray tans. Now, I would say that they are pricey; but on the other hand, I would rather pay more and have it done correctly. We made our original appointments with intentions to get a natural set for $125, and ended up walking out with a full set for $175. The natural set means that only 75% of your natural lashes will have a extension attached and a full set means that everyone of your natural lashes with have an extension. Well obviously we wanted gorgeous full lashes and that is exactly what we got. 

The Pros: 

1. I mean, obviously, look at them. They are so beautiful and they don't look so "fake". Giselle does such a beautiful job and makes sure that she uses the perfect length and curl to blend with my natural lashes. 

2. You need zero makeup. In the black and white picture posted above I have on zero makeup. The lashes just speak for themselves and already make you appear done up. I have cut down my makeup routine in the morning to 5 minutes. just a quick brow & BB cream with SPF and I am ready to take on the day.

3. They last about 2-3 weeks before a fill. You can argue that lash extensions are damaging for your lashes, yes. BUT if you sleep with your mascara on or apply false strip lashes daily that is just as damaging as these lash extensions. Once these are applied there is zero irritation to your eyes and they stay put (for the most part) for up to 3 weeks. Of course lashes will fall out, just like your natural lashes will. Sometimes you will see a natural lash fall off with your falsie but that just means that the natural lash was ready to fall out, it isn't because of your extension. You are okay, I swear. 

The Cons:

1. Showering is so weird. When your lashes get soaking wet, it is such a bizarre feeling. Obviously it is okay for your lashes to get wet but they just feel heavy when they are wet because there are so many on your lid. When I get out of the shower I just gently pat them dry with a face cloth and they are fine. I brush them threw gently with the mascara wand that they give you to remove any excess water and they are ready to go! You do need to make sure you keep these lashes clean and free from oils to extend the life of your lashes. To clean them you have to use baby shampoo and I wash mine about twice a day. I lather a small amount between my pointer finger and thumb and just gently rub my lashes, and splash warm water on my face, super easy and a quick process to make them last even longer. Again, just pat them dry with a towel, don't rub... duh. 

2. The cost. When making your appointment with Noir salon for your first set you are asked to leave a $50 deposit on the appointment. Once I left that night I was so obsessed with my lashes that I was blind sided by the $175 price tag + tip. When I think back on it, I probably would have liked to pay less; but I am also so happy with the results that I can't complain now. The money is gone and the deed is done. However each fill that you get thereafter every 2-3 weeks is an additional $50. Again, I am sure that you can get these done cheaper elsewhere and you may love the results as much as I do but please make sure that you do your research first, you don't want to pay less and have crummy results. 

3. Makeup? I guess this isn't really a turnoff for me its actually something I am loving. Like I said these lashes are just so beautiful that they speak for themselves. I don't wear basically any makeup anymore and with these lashes you actually can't wear any oil based products near your eyes. This includes shadows or any of you die-hard winged liner fans. The oils actually loosen the adhesive used to attach the extensions and will cause them just to pop off. This is why baby shampoo will be your best friend, keep them super clean and they will last! (LESS MONEY YOU HAVE TO SPEND!) Before lashes I was a serious lash curler and mascara wearer, NOW, you can skip it all! They suggest you don't even wear mascara and trust me, you don't have too. Your lash extensions are already curled and your technician will choose the right length and curl to suit your eyes (there is a variety of options). They will give you a mascara wand, obviously one that hasn't been used and you just brush through your lashes during the day to keep them tangle free and viola! I am telling you, it is such a beautiful thing. 

Final verdict:

I think extensions are perfect especially in the warmer months when you want that perfect "I woke up like this" effortless glamour. I specifically love it because it has cut down on my daily routine and has given me more time to sleep in each morning. Hey, five extra minutes a day is a big deal! I am going to keep up with my lashes for a few months, and I will continue to check in with updates on my natural lashes but so far so good. I do really believe it is who you go to and how they care for your lashes. Giselle at Noir Salon did amazing work and I recommend contacting her to set up an appointment! Mention my name at booking so that I get $10 off my next fill, and you have whoever you recommend give your name so that we can allll save money! The more money I save the more beauty reviews for all of you. I don't regret spending the money, I do regret waiting so long to jump on the trend. 

In a side note:

Recently the #loveyourspouse challenge has taken over social media. And lets be honest; I don't have a significant other never mind a spouse so this is irrelevant to me. However, it kinda bothers me that everyone is posting statuses like, "you complete me", "you're the reason why I am so happy", "I'd be lost without you." I understand, it is so hard not to lose yourself in a relationship, become so in love and fascinated with someone else, but you need to know who you are first. You shouldn't be relying on your self-confidence from someone else, you should ALREADY know how beautiful and strong you are. The problem is I did this, I only knew happiness in my relationship, it consumed my life. Once everything came crashing down I lost myself; I lost what made me happy because I couldn't remember what USED to make me happy before a relationship. You need to be able to have a relationship and a life, a life outside of your significant other, to take time to yourself and stay grounded. So in honor of the #loveyourspouse challenge I introduce the,  #loveyourself challenge. 

Why do you love yourself? Is it because of your ability to make anyone laugh? Is it because you have overcome struggle? Is it because you can eat an entire bag of popcorn in one sitting?... oh wait, thats me. 

Go ahead, hate on my #gelfies (gym selfies, thanks Beth) I am doing what makes me happy, and that is all that matters at the end of the day.

 I love myself because I am not afraid of what other people think of me. 

PS: Do my legs look like Carrie Underwood's yet?


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