Seekonk Strong

When tragic or difficult times occur in my life, I freeze. I bottle up and I can't explain my feelings or vent to anyone. It isn't that I don't trust you or want to talk, it is because I have to be strong; I don't want to let too many people into my "world", they can't know that I am weak and fragile. So I blog. I know that roughly, 15,000 people are going to read this post. But right now; it is just me and my computer screen... here it goes. 

In the last two weeks I have mourned the loss of 4 angels. Of course I was upset hearing about the loss of each passing but I didn't realize how much that it had affected me until I was alone. I was finding myself sitting in the car on the way to and from work; crying. Trying to fall asleep at night, and not being able too. Not being "Carrie". It wasn't the kind of sad where you cry all of the time; it is just like your empty and your stomach hurts and your heart aches. You're just emotionally drained; a piece of you is missing. I feel like Seekonk lost a little bit of their sparkle this week. 

One of the angels that my family gained this week was my cousin. Jeff had a beautiful soul, and although I didn't get to spend as much time with him; the stories that were told moved me to tears. He had this amazing ability to make friends with a complete stranger, and he loved his family so deeply. I find comfort in knowing that he is at peace and  "unwinding down in the islands."

The pain that we are all experiencing right now can be handled in two ways. We can let it turn us into depressed, self-centered people, OR, we can become compassionate people, capable of being sympathetic to others and their struggles. We have to realize we are in this together, we are all looking to heal. It is going to take time, and it cannot be rushed. We will heal; but we will never forget.

"If you don't know what you're scared to lose,
 pay attention to what you photograph". 

I found this quote last night while scrolling through my facebook and the tears instantly started flowing. If you know me; you know my obsession with pictures. It is as if you are freezing a moment in time forever, a picture is worth a thousand words. I have seen so many beautiful pictures plastered on facebook and it is such a comforting feeling. You will always have those memories; those smiles. It is unbelievable how your mind will never let you forget those moments that you shared together. If you haven't ever lost someone close to you, I can't even put into words the feeling. It is scary how you are just expected to carry on your life as if nothing happened but in reality your whole life will never be the same. I have learned a lot about myself and my strength the last few years; with the passing of my grandparents within a few weeks of each other. You have to convince yourself that they would want to see you smiling and enjoying your life. Hold onto people and appreciate them. I have learned that you need to tell people how you feel about them when you have the chance. Life is so unexpected and short that it could be your only opportunity. Unfortunately we are not invincible, as much as we would like to be, our lives are fragile and a smile can hide so much. You never know what someone else is going through, be kind, be empathetic, offer help.

One thing that they all had in common was that their stories ended far too soon. They weren't able to share their potential with the world, but we were all so lucky to have been apart of their chapters here on earth. So until it is our time, we can only imagine that they are all together right now; guiding us in the right directions, and back at peace.

Out of respect for each of the families I will not be speaking of the other losses but I would like to share my condolences. I am so unbelievably sorry for the loss that you have encountered. There are no words that can take away your pain, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rest Sweetly.

Patrica Berard
Jody Halliday
Jeffery Kwolek
Jessica Campatelli

You will never be forgotten. 


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