I love, love.

Love is in the air!!

If you are anything like me—you have been pondering the thought of Valentine’s Day since December 26th. This year February 14th will be different for me from the years past, for obvious reasons. The last two years I have spent the day of love with my family; and I loved doing just that. If you are single this Valentine’s Day don’t dwell on that, make the best of it. Make plans with friends; buy yourself a nice bottle of wine & flowers; get a mani/pedi-treat yourself, love yourself.

If you do have someone special in mind that you want to spoil this year I have gathered a few items that would be perfect for your valentine.

If you are working with a budget this year, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a homemade card and beautiful bouquet of flowers. Personally, cards are my favorite thing to receive from a loved one any holiday of the year. It gives someone the opportunity to really express how they feel about you and give them the chance to be completely upfront with their feelings. Maybe you are just starting off in a relationship; a card and flowers would be perfect for your first valentine’s days together as an official or “unofficial” couple.

Ladies; for your gents:
  •    If you are looking for ideas for your boyfriend this year, the New England Patriots have set you up perfectly! If they are a Patriots fan the Super Bowl apparel is available in just about every store-pick up a sweatshirt or a Butler jersey; I guarantee that they would love that!

  • If they aren’t a Patriots fan, maybe they are a country music fan. The tickets for Country Fest or Florida Georgia Line are still available… it gives you both something to look forward to once this snow melts away.

  • I love the way that cologne smells on guys. Why not go to Sephora and pick out your favorite cologne for your man. Something that you would love to smell on them.

  • Maybe you and your valentine have been together for a while, do something creative. Create a scrap book filled with pictures of your favorite memories together. I love to take pictures; it’s an obsession. It can be very time consuming to make a book exactly how you want it, but it’s something you could always have forever.

  • Feeling crazy? Set up a mini vacation to do something you have always wanting to do. I recommend white water rafting! I know it sounds crazy but I have been and it was truly an amazing experience that I will never forget.

  • Feeling cozy? Couples massage. Enough said.

  • Is your boyfriend always late like mine? A nice watch would  be a perfect gifts for valentines day. Something about a nice fancy box for them to open is just something so "cliche" for Valentines Day. 


Gents, for your princesses:

  • -      What girls don’t love to get manicures and pedicures? Make your lady an appointment at a local spa or nail salon to have a day of pampering. I recommend Elite Spa in Rehoboth, MA. The service there is amazing and you truly feel like your spoiling yourself.  

  •     Girls love anything shiny. Jewelry is usually the go-to Valentines present for men to purchase for women. Maybe pair of earrings, a gorgeous necklace or even a promise ring for your sweetie. If you know that they are who you want to be with; a promise ring is perfect for a day like today. 

  • -    If you still aren’t sure what to do, a basket filled with a few of her favorite things is perfect. Her favorite wine, a good movie, nail polish, candles… sounds like heaven for me.

  • Set up an impromptu date. Paint and Wine night? Movie night? Dance lessons? So cute!

  •      Any type of surprise would probably just make about any girls day; send flowers to the house, surprise them with flowers unexpectedly, do something you never do… be extra lovey today. Ya know; Valentine’s Day is all about love. Show her how much she means to you, if you don’t have time to write out a card; don’t forget to tell her how much you love her.

  •       If you’re not up for gift giving, maybe stay in and make her a nice candlelight dinner. I am not the best cook, heck; I don’t cook at all… this year this is what I am attempting. If everything goes smoothly (aka I don’t poison Andrew) I will give you all the recipe and pictures from our evening.

  • Looking to spend a bit more money? Splurge for a weekend away just the two of you. Boston, Newport, New York? Whatever sounds perfect for the both of you to fit your personalities. 


When it comes down to it, the day is simple. Love is love; don’t overdo it. It doesn't matter how much you say “I love you”, it’s how much you prove it. So make that day special for each other- show how much you care. I can't tell you how excited I am to spend my first Valentine's day with someone who makes me feel like a princess every single day.  I don't want to get all mushy gushy; but then again, it is Valentines Day.. and I know I deserve to be treated this way. 

This saying has been one of my very favorites ever since I stumbled upon it. Even if you and your sweetheart are just starting out; its the little things that will bring you both closer and how much you care. I cannot preach enough how much I believe in everyone having someone out there for them. Even if you aren't celebrating the “perfect” way this year- it will come; and it will be that much sweeter once it gets here. Trust me on this, your prince or princess is out there looking for you right now. So get out there, and get looking! 

....and if you don't feel like looking on February 14th, you can find the perfect hunk on the big screen- the opening date for 50 Shades of Gray; JUST SAYIN'.


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