Giving Thanks

Sometimes in this crazy life that we live it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have. It’s essential to take the time out of each day and remember all of the things that we should be thankful for that most of us take for granted. I admit it; some days I even lose sight—what do I have to really complain about? I have everything. And by “everything” I don’t mean the brand new Michael Kors bag, or the iphone78, I mean I have everything that is important in my life right in front of me. It is hard to lose track when the world around us is moving a mile a minute and with the holiday season quickly approaching its important to sit back and realize what is all about. 

So stop for a minute…. Relax. 

What are you thankful for? I am not doing this blog just for all of you; I am doing it for myself. To reflect on the things in life that really are important…
The things that make me; me.

1. The future

Yes, we don’t know what our future will hold, but being grateful for the ability to have a future is imperative. You are in control of your life. If you’re successful, if you’re happy, and if you set goals you CAN achieve them. We can all do anything that we set our minds to. That is truly something magical; something we should all celebrate. 

2. Your friends

No matter how many friends you may have, be grateful for them. Even if you only have one… its will always be quality over quantity. I know that personally there have been countless times I wouldn’t be able to go through life without my best friends. They have loved me when I didn’t love myself; and I can’t thank them enough for always be there to see me at my darkest and best days of my life so far. 

3. For all the small things

When I have a hard day at work, one of my favorite things to do is look up at the sun and the big open sky. It is just a reminder of how wonderful life truly is and how great it is to be alive. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? I know, it may sound silly, but give it a chance next time you’re feeling down and remember my words. There is so many little things in life that we all take for granted such as the first snow fall of winter, the warm sun on our skin, the birds chirping; the list could go on and on… but imagine life without those things. Then we will all start to notice the “small” things even more; sometimes they are the most amazing things in life.

4. Learning from past mistakes

You all know how crazy I am already; so this shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. I think every person should be grateful for their past failures. Every failed relationship, or missed job opportunity has made you who you are. Occasionally mistakes are ways for us to really appreciate the life that we have in front of us.  Don’t dwell on your mistakes and learn from them. And maybe if you are as lucky as I am; some things will fall apart and even better things can come together… 

5. I am me. 

If I had been born in another time or in another place I wouldn’t be me. But I am here now; I was put here for a reason. I have this moment and day and hopefully countless days still to experience and learn from. It is an incredible thing. 

6. Laugher 

“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.” Laughter brings joy to life and those around you. It gives you the chance to take a break from reality for a moment and let yourself be you. Life is sweeter when you share it, so don’t hold back. Let loose and have fun… its addicting. 

7. Family 

I don’t even know where to begin. There are no words that exist that could explain the love that I have for my family. My mom who loves, nurtures, and supports me every single day. My sisters and brother-in-laws who are my best friends and would give up anything in the world for me; they are the best gift I will ever receive. My Ethan & Lillian who make the whole world go around; they light up my entire world. Aunts & Uncles who love me unconditionally and give me guidance whenever I lose my way.  Lastly but definitely not least, cousins who have turned into sisters… countless laughs and memories since the day we met. Life has truly been good to me. I am spoiled with so much love; it’s a beautiful thing. 

8. Love

For letting me feel what it truly means to be alive. 

Being thankful is a part of life not just one day a year. I hope that this blog made you sit back and reflect on everything in your life. It’s hard sometimes to be an adult and realize there is more to life than what is portrayed in movies or on the TV. Do you think celebrities are really “thankful” for the life they have? I don’t envy them one bit… I am the one who is the richest; I have the best things that money could never buy. 

I also wanted to share a family recipe of my favorite thanksgiving day treat. My mom makes THE best Sweet Potato Cassarole... ever. She claims its pretty easy to make so maybe you could try it out for yourself this thanksgiving and share a picture with me.

3 cups mashed yams
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
4/4 cup melted butter, divided
1/4 cups evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

Combine yams, sugar, eggs, 1/4 cup butter, milk and vanilla; beat well. Spread mixture in casserole. Combine 1/2 cup butter, flour, brown sugar and nuts; sprinkle over sweet potato mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. 


  1. I absolutely love this Miss Carrie! You are definitely a bright light that shines onto everyone you meet. I am thankful for so many things in my life, including your friendship.


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