Beauty BUYS

How is this year over? My life is in an entirely different place than it was last year. I would say that I have changed; but I haven't. I think that is how it should be. I have stayed true to myself, I know my worth, and I am not settling for anything less than I deserve. Until I find that, I will continue to spend my money on makeup instead of romantic dinners. Lucky for all of you! 

But really, I'm just looking for a country gentleman, if you know one... 
you know where to find me.

Okay, this isn't Farmers Only. Let's get into the real reason why you are all here! ITS BEAUTY FAVORITES TIME! Hold the applause, I know that it has been a bit but you know it takes a while to get well acquainted with a beauty product. I want to make sure that I am recommending products for all of you that I know work well and are worth the hype. Let's get into it, first off; skin care.

April showers bring May flowers and December brings dry skin. Am I right? I have gravitated back to my old faithful. I used this product last year in rotation with my Garnier Refreshing Gel but I think that this product lasts me longer and gives me more moisture. This cream is very light weight but my skin absorbs it so well. It gives me a healthy touch to my skin and doesn't leave me at all oily. This product is recommended for night wear but I apply it before my makeup as well. I will wake up, apply this and then brush my teeth. By the time I am done with that it has set into my skin perfectly. It has solved my dry skin issue and I highly recommend giving this a try! Even if you don't suffer from dry itchy skin I think that this would be a perfect daily moisturizer! 

OH MY GOD. THIS STUFF. First off, stop reading and go to CVS and buy this. I can't believe that this exists and that it has taken this long to get to the United States. I had seen so many beauty bloggers and gurus rave about this stuff but it wasn't available here! I was tempted to buy it but shipping over seas, it gets expensive. I use this magical water to remove all of my makeup now. I apply it to a cotton round and just gently rub it over my skin. It removes everything and I can't believe it. It hydrates and soothes my skin while cleaning its amazing! I never really thought about it until I discovered this but the makeup wipes were leaving my skin red and blotchy.. that can't be good. I will never return to the makeup wipe and you shouldn't either. Please, buy this. Try this, you will be in shock! 

Did I mention its a huge bottle? Fragrance free? And amazing?

I am addicted to Bath and Body Works. There are a lot worse addictions, okay? I don't gravitate to their lotions just because I am not a very scented lotion kinda gal. I mean, I am into coco butter lotions or shea butter... but the strong ones I can't get into. I grabbed this one during my last trip for 5 more candles that I don't need. 

I am ashamed of that. 

I was so surprised that I actually love this as much as I do! The smell of this is like vanilla candy canes, but its not too overwhelming. It is just enough to give your skin a yummy scent and keeps my skin soft all day. It is a thick formula that absorbs into your skin really well without any weird residue. Thank you BBW for an amazing lotion and thank you for changing my scented lotion phobia. 

For when you want just a touch of color but not a full on lipstick; pick this up. This is just a sheer wash of color in a perfect pink-y purple. I got the shade 50 BERRY in light/medium. I guess this is from their smart shade line so it will help us chosen a shade that will best suit our skin tone. Very clever Almay, I am impressed. This moisturizes my lips, leaves them glossy and is easy to apply. 

With a recent purchase from Sephora I received a deluxe sample size of this beauty. I love the way that this smells and how sophisticated that I feel when I wear this. It is very light, flora-ly and clean; a perfect mixture for me. I do think that it could get overwhelming if you sprayed too much, so use a light hand. I plan on purchasing this after the holidays in a full size I can't resist. 

It wouldn't be a Carrie blog if I didn't add some sort of non-beauty favorite. FIRST OFF, I may refer to this as the GTL aka Green Tea Lemonade. I love their green tea alone but their lemonade alone is too tart. The most PERFECT mixture is green tea and lemonade, it is heaven on earth. It is so quenching and refreshing I have to get a large because I just can't get enough. Your next trip to Panera, try this, be prepared you're going to be addicted. 

PS: thanks Kristen for introducing me, you're the best. 

I have to finish my Christmas shopping now. I thought that I was ahead of the game until I looked back on my list and I was in disbelief. I start with a short list of people and gifts and then they multiply overnight I don't understand. I have tried really hard this year to give thoughtful gifts not just what somebody wants. Just remember that its not just the season of giving gifts; its the season of love and kindness. Do something for someone else, go out of your way to make someones else's day. 

Be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody. 


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