New year - Same you.

Can you believe it? I truly can't.

 With the year 2014 just merely a memory I am so eager to start off this new year with a clean start. Each year I try and set a resolution; and I am sure I'm not the only one who sets these goals, they last for a week and then diminish a month into the New Year. Well this year I am going to try and switch it up... why set goals for yourself that you know you will never accomplish? I am not going to live by the "New Year, New You" saying.. I am going to continue to be ME. 
And just do what makes me happy. 

The year 2014 has brought me on a roller coaster of emotions; I have encountered some of the happiest days of my life and also some of my darkest. With the support of my family around me we all came together and overcame the dark days-never truly forgetting what we lost- but remembering all the memories that were shared together as a family. 

Of course, we all have those awful days... but the good days overcome the bad. I have been filled with more love and support this year than I ever have. I don't think that I can put into words how happy I have become with not only my life but with myself. It was never easy, and of course some days I felt alone and as if I would always stay that way.. but when you least expect it life can change. It is so hard to let people in, to trust again andI didn't think I ever would. If you are feeling this way; like you can't break down your walls because your scared to be hurt... I understand. It takes time, you have to love yourself first before anyone else can love you. Take your time, don't rush, do things you never could do before. Be alone.It can sounds scary, trust me, I hate being alone. But as soon as you least expect it- you will be ready. The confidence that you find within yourself once you have been alone for a while will shine. I can't explain how or why, but life works in mysterious ways. There is somebody out there for you. If I read this blog a year ago, I wouldn't believe a word I am writing, so I understand if you scroll right by this paragraph... but if you believe that you deserve happiness then you need to believe in yourself.

 I promise someone will sweep you right off your feet, 
it happened to me; and it can happen for you. 

On a rainy afternoon in March I was sitting at my kitchen counter painting my nails (surprise, surprise) when I thought about creating this blog. I called my sister, Courtney, right away.. I needed a good name for the blog.. obviously. This was when Manicure, on the rocks was born. 
I never thought I would still be here doing this. I thought it would last a few months and I would get sick of it or no one would read it and to my surprise I am still here. Why would I, Carrie Daigle, have 6,500 views on a beauty blog? I still pinch myself. Who cares what I have to say? I am just like you... I have opinions and I just share it on a blog. You could do this to, its not hard. But the difference between you and I may be that I love writing. I never knew that I did, until that rainy day in March. In high school I was a good student, I did all my work, passed in papers on time... even the Macbeth monologues. But now that I can write whatever I want as a hobby I have discovered my true love. And I have all of you to thank for that. If no one read this blog, I probably would have stopped months ago. Now that everyone looks forward to my postings; I keep finding new things to write about. I like to try new things and to share them with all of you. 
Its what I am going to carry into the New Year. 

So for 2015, I am being very brave and posting it here for all of you to see. I promise to keep up with my blog. I will continue to try new things, and to broaden my horizons and trust in my writing.
 I am not going to change. 
It may be a new year, but I am still the same me; and I am okay with that. 

Cheers to 2014!


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